Monday, January 16, 2017

Lucie Rie

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Lucie Rie

      I hadn't thought a great deal about Lucie Rie lately, but when deciding which artists work I wanted to lead with it was an easy choice. I can't say when she became my favorite, it just happened. Like the time I realized all my favorite desserts were my favorite according their proportionate similarity to chocolate pudding.
     Beauty cannot be masked by art. Art in its truest form it shines through as an extension of self. Unmarred by overthinking and lack of skill her art reflects a grace that we are lucky to behold. Her pieces are modern in the way that their presence is imminent and yet will never go out of style. At first, there is something that draws you in about the form. Is it slightly seemingly to narrow there? Maybe a bit long here? The balance, is it proportionate? Awe, but that is just an illusion. Within moments you see, wait not see, but feel, you feel its balance and harmony. The form is so strong and yet the grace and thinness of the clay belongs to femininity at its truest.  Her glaze choices are soft and pure, but never shy. When you see a beautiful stone in nature it never appears man-made. Simplicity is her greatest trick.  It dares to be emulated, but unless your Lucie Rie it was not meant to be. She is an American Master of the earliest form of art.


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